Saturday, September 5, 2009

Kristen makes a blog with the intention of actually keeping up with it this time...

... but we'll see how that goes. Not sure what all I'll end up putting here, but I do know that sometimes I need more than the 140 characters allowed by Twitter to convey what's on my mind.

Stuff that's likely to show up here? Well, I'm pretty random so honestly there's no telling. I work with kids, teens, and college students at various points in my week and that usually leaves me with some entertaining stories to share. I watch a lot of movies and am pretty opinionated about them, so movie reviews are a safe bet, as well. I'm also really opinionated about political issues with a perhaps unusual libertarian/anarchist-rooted-in-Christianity perspective on things. Sometimes (moreso lately) I get so angry about things that I really need to vent, but my doing it out loud as often as I feel like it would probably leave me with few friends, so I may end up subjecting innocent net-goers to my increasing anger about the increasing reach of the government. I'll try to put "WARNING: POLITICAL CONTENT AHEAD" on those posts to save the easily-offended the emotional energy they'd spend getting riled up about how coldhearted I must be to say these things.

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