Monday, June 28, 2010

great picture of Bitsy (new puppy)

This is Bitsy (aka 'Lil Bit), my 5-month-old Boston Terrier pup.

She was fresh out of the lake after mean ol' mama (me) made her get in the lake and practice swimming. This is after she got over the phase where she ran away from me every time I came near her and laid down in the sun on the dock to dry off. I guess she was tired enough to not run away this time. I laid down on my stomach in front of her and took a bunch of pictures of her and the wonderful expressions she gets on her face, and this one is my favorite of the bunch.

Just a little bit about Lil' Bit: she is the pup of two of my parents' Boston Terriers, Echo and Bella. She was the runt of her litter, the result of her being born with inverted hind feet. Though it didn't seem lucky at the time, Bella had problems delivering her pups (she had 7!) and had to be taken to the vet for help, and the vets recognized Bitsy's foot problem (while we may not have noticed until it was too late to help her), and they splinted her legs the next day and gave my mom physical therapy exercises to have Bitsy go through to help make her legs stronger. Now, aside from some visible stiffness in one of her legs sometimes and a tendency to switch earlier than most dogs to moving both hind legs at the same time when she runs, you'd never know she had anything wrong. And I'm pretty sure she's going to be a good three or four pounds bigger than her big sister Lucy. She does not, however, care for swimming, unlike that same big sister.

I entered this picture of her in the I Heart Faces contest for the week (did it wrong the first time, linking directly to the pic instead of here, and they - thankfully - deleted it, so I resubmitted correctly).